Maddening Sign - VGC / FE Report

Writing about VGC reports and FE Playthroughs

VGC 2020

Plotting Something Nasty - Doubles Series 2 Team Report

This is the team that used for the entirety of the Battle Spot Doubles Series 2 ruleset. This is an adaptation of my Double Toge team from my previous report where I fixed a number of the shortfalls of the team to create something a bit le…

Toge-ther we Ride! - BS Doubles S1 / VGC 2020 Team

Happy New Year! As we approach the start of the SwSh era of VGC tournaments for real, I've come up with a new team I would like to share. Weakness Policy Togekiss has been gaining some steam as an option in VGC as of about halfway into Dec…

A Return to the Frontline - BS Doubles Team Write Up

You mean this blog isn't just about me playing through Fire Emblem: Three Houses for the Nintendo Switch? It's been quite some time since I've really given a good go at VGC stuff, let alone write a team article. 7th Gen was a bit of a busi…