Maddening Sign - VGC / FE Report

Writing about VGC reports and FE Playthroughs

Thracia 776 Playthrough - Chapter 22


Chapter 22 - Beyond the River

Resets: 2 (69)
Turns: 3 (347)

Leif, Nanna, Finn, Karin, Sarah, Linoan, Lara, Salem, Dean, Xavier, Conomore, Glade, Asbel, Miranda Shanam, Tina

The second of what I'd say would be the three most infamous chapter of Thracia 776. Leif is confronted by Reinhardt when trying to cross the River Thracia on his march towards Munster. In addition to Reinhardt, Saias is present in the area, overseeing the outcome of this battle.

Leif's army is heavily out matched in this fight to get across the river. The enemy army has a collective 19 leadership stars between Saias, Reinhardt, and the boss of the chapter who's on the gate. That's effectively a +57 acc/evade swing in favour of the enemy, making even basic grunt footsoldiers into deathly accurate, evasive monsters. To make this even worse, there are loads of Ballista and Iron Ballista all throghout the map, who as a result of Leadership bonuses have stats looking like this.


So ballistas hit extremely hard and at worst their accuracy will be around 60-70%. Usually they'll be easily over 80% acurate. There are a number of status staff users on this map, who will rain status effects onto me at the start of the map, which basically forces the need to bring some Restore staves to counter. Playing the map the intended way is an extremely slow processes as the only safe way to deal with ballistas is to either stall them out of ammo, or to snipe them with status staves or long-range tomes.

After getting past the initial ballistas, once I start to cross the bridge, it will trigger an event where the bridge gets destroyed behind me, and Reinhardt and his platoon advance while my forces are cornered. And well... fighting against Rein is something, given that he has Vantage and Dire Thunder, and has extremely jacked up Evade and Accuracy due to leadership star stacking. Oh, he also has a 25% chance of moving twice.


As a result, this is one of the maps most highly recommended to warp cheese. I take about 3 turns to clear so that I can have Dean fly over to the house at the bottom in order to visit to obtain another Warp staff. Sarah uses Rewarp to pick up the house at the bottom right corner for a Rescue staff. In the mean time, I use Tina to steal a few choice items. I manage to grab 2 Boltings from the Bishops at the bottom, and the the Blizzard Tome and Berserk Staff from the boss. Afterwards I warp in Asbel for the Boss KO, then Leif to seize. The map is over as quick as it started.

Leif - L18/5
Sarah - L20/15
Olwen - xx/13
Safiya - L11/9
Asbel - L20/10
Nanna - L20/8
Dean - xx/8
Pan - xx/4
Halvan - L20/4
Linoan - L20/5
Diarmuid - xx/3
Osian - L20/1
Mareeta - L20/1
Karin - L20/1
Eda - L18
Finn - L15
Lara - L5/9
Tina - L8