Maddening Sign - VGC / FE Report

Writing about VGC reports and FE Playthroughs

FE3H - Maddening Blue Lions Marianne's Paralogue


Chapter 15 - Valley of Torment

Heading to Ailell to meet with Rodrigue for some reinforcements and supplies to our army. Seems like our crew is a bit conflicted whether they feel like it would be better to go after the Empire and solve the root of the problem, or to build up by trying to take back the Kingdom first. In any case, we are going to Ailell first and deciding stuff later.

Anna's Secret Shop opens up, and I used this opportunity to pick up a second Accuracy Ring, and to purchase a few Master Seals for my eventual Master Class promotions coming up. Completing some quests this month gives me some extra renoun to allow for two upgrades, allowing me to reach Sword and Reason +2.

As I am close to A+ Prof Rank, I take two consecutive Exploration Weeks and do a bit of extra meal time, then top off my Prof Exp with about 500 exp worth of fishing during the increased rate of $$$ fish. I hit A rank and gather about 5000G, then promtly spend it on some forges. Most notably, restoring the rusted Gradivus I got many many battles ago.

Statue Upgrades:
Sword Skill +2
Reason Skill +2

I can now do three battles per session, and I have four Paralogues that have opened up: Marianne's, Mercedes/Caspar, Bernadetta/Petra, and Linhardt/Leonie.

I decide to do Marianne's Paralogue first.

Paralogue: Forgotten Hero

Deploy: Rikka, Marianne, Catherine (Lysithea), Ingrid (Seteth), Sylvain, Petra, Ashe (Annette), Dorothea, Flayn, Hilda

Marianne's Paralogue. Marianne is being persecuted for disappearances of people, in relation to her Crest, the Crest of the Beast / Maurice's Crest. We go seeking the real beast who has been attacking people in the forest in order to clear Marianne's name.

This is a fog map, with a LOT of wild monsters all over the place. Marianne starts off right in the middle of the map, so the first priority is to safely retrieve her from where she is. The goal of the map is to take out the Wandering Beast, but there are some drop items from enemies around the edges of the map that I would want to be collecting. The Wandering Beast starts of stationary, but will start to move if you get too close to it, causing a fairly chaotic situation if you aren't yet planning to take it down.

The plan for this map is to travel clockwise along the outer edge of the map, defeating beasts along the way. Barrier Breaking all the beasts I face does fetch me a sizable amount of extra Umbral Steel and Wootz Steel that may be of future use. Or at worst, sold for extra funds.

Since there are a LOT of barriers to break down from hunting down all the wild beasts, it is important to conserve gambits. This is a map where taking advantage of barrier weaknesses is extremely valuable in order to quickly bust down the defeneses of Demonic Beasts who normally would require 2 hits per tile to break. As such, I equip most of my characters with various spare iron swords/lances/axes so they can all participate in quickly chain stunning monsters into break status.

The Demonic Beasts have about 300 HP across their HP Bars, while the Wolves have about 170 HP. So there's a lot of
damage that I need to be dishing out in order to make my way through this map. This does also mean that I'm usually only able to handle one or two beasts at a time simply because of how much HP I have to go through. But use of Hunter's Volley, and Brave Weapons do pull their fair share of the weight in cutting these monsters down to size.

For the most part, things go as planned. I use Flayn to Rescue Marianne to safety on Turn 1, and just slowly traverse my way clockwise around the map killing monsters as they show up before dealing with the boss at the end.

One Divine Pulse use, because I needed to move Marianne a bit closer to my team in order to safely use Rescue on her, but it turns out that there isn't as much room for her to move as I thought and I walked her down and one square to the left which put her in range to be killed by a Demonic Beast. Walking straght down instead was safe.

For our troubles, we are able to clear Marianne's name, we defeat the Wandering Beast and receive the Relic Blutgang, proof of the beast's true identity.

Resets: 0 (1)
Divine Pulses: 1 (31)

Rikka - L31
Lysithea - L33
Dorothea - L33
Dimitri - L32
Annette - L32
Ashe - L32
Flayn - L31
Ingrid - L30
Sylvain - L30
Petra - L30
Hilda - L30
Catherine - L29
Mercedes - L27
Seteth - L26

Marianne - L28

As mentioned before, now that Marianne's Paralogue has been completed, I will be dropping her from the roster. Next