Maddening Sign - VGC / FE Report

Writing about VGC reports and FE Playthroughs

FE3H - Maddening Blue Lions Chapter 18


Chapter 18 - The King's Triumphant Return

Dimitri has decided to stop chasing after quelling the regrets of the dead and decided to choose to fight for those who still live. In a complete 180, instead of continuing down the war path to Enbarr, we are going back to Fhirdiad, to retake the Capital and reunite Faerghus that should have been done long ago.

I'm still waiting on Dimitri's Paralogue to show up, so I choose to hold off on clearing Ferdinand/Lysithea's for another month

Monastery Exploration and Advanced Drills allow me to get Byleth to S Sword, A+ Bow, and A Brawling, leaving me with... not much to do anymore in terms of further training. So I guess it's back to doing various meals with my AP to build up some missing support convos I have yet seen from Dimitri, Dedue, and Gilbert.

Since I have S Sword for Sword Crit +10, I decide to have Swordmaster as a class for Rikka. Now, off to Fhirdiad.

Rikka - Swordmaster

Battle: Reclaiming the Capital

Deploy: Rikka, Dimitri (Felix), Dorothea, Dedue (Mercedes), Lysithea, Annette (Gilbert), Ashe, Catherine, Flayn, Hilda, Ingrid, Sylvain

A bit of an annoying map to deal with. There are a lot of Titanus scatterred around the map, who are extremely tanky, hit really hard, and have about 50 crit rate. It is possible to end the map fairly early, as Cornelia sits in the middle of the map and it isn't that hard to get someone like Ashe warped into range and down her with Hunter's Volley. But I decide to at least play through some of the map as intended, so that I could get some of the item drops.

The Viskam turrets actually made this map a bit more annoying than I was expecting, because Dimitri and Dedue had the lowest res of my units, but they were also the units I didn't want having take damage in order to preserve their low durability Battalions. This made them pretty much have to sit out for most of the battle.

A large amount of this map was just trying to fight through the Titanus in the middle of the map, as I had to try to take advantage of my range game in order to avoid being struck down by one of their swords. For the most part, as long as I was taking things slowly, things weren't too bad.

A third party Thief shows up with a Sacred Relic bow, and I have Hilda fly over and donk him with a Brave Axe. I collect my dropped items, then decided I had enough with beating up giant metal hulks and harvesting Agarthium, and just off'd Cornelia.

Two Divine Pulse uses. Because apparently a bunch of the Snipers have Deadeye, which led to some low accuracy OHKO attempts. Some which landed.

Resets: 0 (1)
Divine Pulses: 2 (45)

Rikka - L37
Dorothea - L39
Dimitri - L38
Ashe - L38
Annette - L38
Lysithea - L37
Flayn - L37
Hilda - L37
Sylvain - L36
Ingrid - L36
Petra - L34
Catherine - L34
Dedue - L32

The Return of the King! Cornelia in her dying words, seems to imply that Dimitri's step mother, was the one who killed everyone at the Tragedy of Duscur. At this point I feel like given how Those Who Slither are, I do wonder whether she was ever actually there, or was she killed and replaced.