Maddening Sign - VGC / FE Report

Writing about VGC reports and FE Playthroughs

Thracia 776 Playthrough - Chapter 12x


Chapter 12x - Dandelion

Resets: 2 (40)
Turns: 10 (225)

Leif, Nanna, Safiya, Lara, Asbel, Ronan, Salem

We enter the mansion to subdue the Dandelion Thieves. The inside of the manor is a maze like structure and it is dark. There's a number of treasure boxes, but also a lot of thieves who will grab the boxes and make a run for it. Tina will also use her Prf staves to steal treasure boxes and steal items from your units as well. Overall, the map gets really messy when trying to play it the intended way. So I don't.

I use a Torch Staff use with Nanna, then use Warp Staff on Lara to enter the boss room and recruit Pan. Doing so with Lara also has the added effect of class changing Lara into a Dancer. I was intending to do this then have Pan recruit Tina. But apparently he cannot, and you have to bring Safiya all the way over in order to do so. I was thinking it would help deal with this map easier if I warp in and recruit Pan immediately, but as it turns out doing so will cause all the enemies to stop attacking and doing stuff and just retreat from the map. Unfortunately, Trude included, so there were a couple of resets used as a result of understanding what was going on. Basically, I decide that using a couple uses of Warp Staff on this map is worth making the map a free walk, and making it so Tina doesn't expend her staff charges on her Prf staves. There's a lot of down time and I have Safiya promote early to give her extra movement and let her attack (with light tomes which I still don't actually have). By the time her and Leif reach the end room, I have had everyone else grab all the treasure boxes in the map. So it's just a matter of having Safy recruit her sister, and Leif end the map.

Leif - L13
Dagdar - xx/9
Olwen - xx/3
Pan - xx/3
Alfred - xx/2
Safiya - L11/1
Nanna - L16
Osian - L14
Halvan - L14
Asbel - L14
Karin - L12
Finn - L12
Tanya - L12
Fergus - L11
Dalsin - L11
Selphina - L10
Shiva - L9
Trude - L8
Lara - L5/1
Salem - L5
Mareeta - L3
Tina - L1

Lithis - L10

Now that I have Pan, I can phase out Lithis.