Maddening Sign - VGC / FE Report

Writing about VGC reports and FE Playthroughs

Thracia 776 Playthrough - Chapter 15


Chapter 15 - Two Paths

Resets: 2 (46)
Turns: 7 (262)

Leif, Nanna, Mareeta, Linoan, Lara, Finn, Glade, Halvan, Dean, Eda, Karin, Olwen

As mentioned we reach a fork in the road, there are two strategic paths on the way to reaching Leonster castle. One takes us along a coastline, while the other takes is through a dense forest. There is a slight difference in characters that get recruited as a result, along with some characters that may get recruited earlier or later.

As for the map. There's two arrows on opposite sides of the map, but in reality I end up going to neither of them, as it is easier to fulfill a different third condition. I can't exactly remember what the reason is, but there is an additional condition to clearing the map other than reaching one of the two arrows, which leads to being able to choose which one to go to after the map. I guess I'll try to remember what it is after playing. Which the answer is that the objective is to visit the church with Leif.

The map is not particularly eventful. I have Halvan solo the path to the house to the left. I have Linoan fight enemies to the right, accompanied by Nanna, Glade, Finn, and Lara. I have the rest of my units get ferried over the mountains by my flying units. I save the houses, recruit Ralph, then go to the church with Leif. I spend the time to stock up on some door keys for some future maps.

A couple resets because the opening playthrough had a Brigand spawn with extra movement allowing him to demolish a house on Turn 2, and I didn't notice that was going to happen. Another because I wasn't sure if I actually needed to talk to Ralph or not to recruit him if I visit the Church (I do.)

Visiting the church provides me with an extra Restore staff and lets me choose my path for the split set of maps coming up. All other times I've played FE5 I went along the coast, so this time I decided to switch things up and go to the forest.

Leif - L16
Olwen - xx/9
Asbel - L20/3
Pan - xx/3
Dean - xx/3
Nanna - L20/3
Safiya - L11/2
Halvan - L17
Osian - L16
Karin - L15
Finn - L14
Tanya - L13
Fergus - L14
Shiva - L11
Mareeta - L12
Lara - L5/4
Salem - L7
Eda - L9
Linoan - L7
Tina - L2

Dagdar - xx/9
Ralph - xx/3