Maddening Sign - VGC / FE Report

Writing about VGC reports and FE Playthroughs

FE3H - Maddening Blue Lions Alois's Paralogue


Chapter 9 - The Cause of Sorrow

Monastery Exploration

After witnessing the atrocities unleashed upon Remire, we decide to try to put the heavy stuff out of mind and instead focus on celebrating Christmas. Sothis is Christmas, and what have Idunn?

There is another Fistful of Fish event this month, so I use this opportunity to make the effort to bump my Prof Rank up to B+. I recruit Ignatz and Shamir with the intention of doing their Paralogues in the current month.

The White Heron Cup is this month, and I need to choose a Dancer. I decide to make Dorothea my Dancer for this run, as I figure that if my Dancer is going to be away from the combat zone for the most part, Dorothea can still play a role by use of occasional Physic, and joining in on Linked Attacks or Gambit by equipping Meteor to expand her attacking range.

Linhardt Recruits himself to my class after the first week. And now we set off for 4 more Paralogues before Christmas.

Statue Upgrades:
+2 Armor Skill


Mercedes - Bishop
Dedue - Brigand
Sylvain - Paladin

Paralogue: The Sword and Shield of Seiros

Deploy: Rikka, Shamir, Alois, Dimitri (Marianne), Dedue (Annette), Lysithea, Flayn, Felix, Ashe, Hilda

Shamir and Alois's Paralogue. We head to the Alliance to deal with some Pirates posing as the Almyran navy. As with other Paralogues around this point in the game, Maddening has a sprikled addition of strong Advanced Classed enemies spread out throughout the enemy forces comared to Hard mode. The goal of the map is to defend the city and keep enemies out of the town's perimeter. Since I have a lot of L19 units, I try to bring some of them in order to get them to reach L20 and enable Advanced Class certifications.

Our units start off kind of spread out around the map, I have Dedue and Flayn with Rikka in the top, Dimitri and Ashe in the middle area with Shamir, and have the remaining units down at the south end of the town. I give Shamir the Holy Monks to give her Stride so that the units in the middle can quickly move out and join my other forces. I open the map by taking out the enemies at the south entrance, and using a couple Gambits in the top-right area to keep the Thieves and Assassin under control.

The enemies are fairly spread out, and primarily have physical weapons, so Dedue and Dimitri are easily able to tank whatever is thrown at them. The main concern in the map is making sure I don't let any of the Wyverns make their way in and fly into town uninvited. As it turns out, this is a bit easier said than done, when the Wyverns have 22 AS, and I'm being kept busy by enemy reinforcement Thieves and Assassins that move out as soon as they spawn. The Wyverns force me to not slow play the map, and in fact force some recklessly aggressive plays in order to make sure they keep out of the town.

Dealing with the Wyverns led to some very shaky actions where I threw down a raw Gambit at 50% accuracy to stun a Wyvern trying to run past the defense line, and had to Range 6 Deadeye Silver Bow another one that was in the heart of enemy territory at 44% accuracy, and was fortunate enough to land both of these hits.

Fighting in the map was fairly chaotic in the northern part of the map due to the reinfocement Thieves bolstering the numbers in the area. Dedue being able to cleanly KO enemy Thieves with a One-Two Punch with Steel Gauntlets+ was pretty helpful in terms of crowd control, but there were still a lot of enemies aroun the area to deal with. Gambits were extremely vital in order for me to keep the top part of the map under control.

Near the end of the map, I ended up with a situation where I had 3 Wyverns on the move while there were still some Assassins and Brawlers prowling the area, and was able to make use of Ashe's Silver Bow to KO the one Wyvern that could reach the town on the next turn, then use Flayn to rescue Ashe out of attack range. Rikka then needed to stand in front of Flayn, equip an Iron Shield, and Equip Training Gauntlets in order to make it so that she could survive a 2x hit from an Assassin and a hit from a Wyvern while keeping her AS high enough to stop the Wyvern from attacking twice.

Once I get past this turn, the rest of the map falls into place, and I can easily finish off the commander and end the paralogue. It was a bit of a rough battle, but we manage to keep the pirates from setting a single foot into town.

Three Divine Pulse uses were used on this map. Once because a Wyvern indicated that it was going to attack my units, but faked me out and just ran into Town. Which was the one that required me to Pulse back and hit it with a 50% Gambit. Once because Hilda got hit by a 7% Vantage Crit by a Sniper. And a 3rd time in the aforementioned situation at the end of the map. Before doing what I did to win, I tried a more aggressive approach where I used Flayn to Rescue Dedue closer to the enemies, and used a Gambit and a Curved Shot from Rikka to KO the Assassin and a second Wyvern. Only to have another Assassin spawn and kill Dedue, and for the remaining Wyvern to actually attack and kill Ashe instead of ignoring everything and fly towards town.

Resets: 0 (0)
Divine Pulses: 3 (19)

Rikka - L21
Marianne - L21
Lysithea - L21
Dimitri - L21
Ingrid - L20
Mercedes - L20
Annette - L20
Sylvain - L20
Felix - L20
Ashe - L20
Flayn - L20
Dedue - L19
Hilda - L19
Dorothea - L17

Shamir - L17
Ignatz - L17
Linhardt - L17