Maddening Sign - VGC / FE Report

Writing about VGC reports and FE Playthroughs

FE3H - Maddening Blue Lions Chapter 10


Chapter 10 - Where the Goddess Dwells (Cont.)

Battle: The Sealed Forest Snare

Deploy: Rikka, Dimitri (Sylvain), Ingrid, Felix (Flayn), Ashe, Lysithea, Annette, Dorothea, Marianne, Dedue

Kronya has appeared in the Sealed Forest leading us into what is obviously a trap of some sorts, but we're out for some revenge so we decide to go in regardless. The map is fairly large in the forest so the enemies are pretty well spread out, so there isn't too much danger here, at least initially. Enemy units are equipped with Silvers now, and have around 35-40 Atk, but Dimitri and Dedue have 40 Def so they can easily continue playing a vanguard role for my team and lead the assault.

I'm able to split up my forces at the beginning and take on the small pockets on enemies spread out along the map. The enemies are eliminated without much issue leaving Kronya. Kronya doesn't move until I'm in range. She's got 42 Speed so she will 2x hit anyone, but she only has 38 Atk which is not enough to even damage Dimitri, so I just let Dimitri provoke her into moving and easily take her out.

This trap has layers to it, and Solon shows up and uses Dark Void nails the 80% and puts Rikka to sleep, but Sothis's Vital Spirit Activates and actually prevents the Sleep so we come back. Angry. Wait, what game was I talking about again?

Anyways, we cut a hole through the pocket dimension of Zahras and casually step back into the world of the living, much to Solon's dissatisfaction. Solon summons a few more enemies, but they aren't much to worry about. Unlike Kronya, Solon has very low evade and very low AS so it is very easy for me to walk up to him and stick a few arrows through his head and take him out. We escape the trap of Those who Slither and Rikka fulfills a chuu2 dream of being truly a chosen one.


Resets: 0 (0)
Divine Pulses: 0 (22)

Rikka - L24
Lysithea - L24
Marianne - L24
Dimitri - L23
Ingrid - L23
Dorothea - L23
Annette - L23
Ashe - L23
Flayn - L23
Dedue - L23
Sylvain - L22
Hilda - L22
Mercedes - L22
Felix - L22

RIP Sothis, at least from doing much more speaking inside Rikka's head. But more importantly, no more listening to Tearing Through Heaven.