Maddening Sign - VGC / FE Report

Writing about VGC reports and FE Playthroughs

FE3H - Maddening Blue Lions Annette's Paralogue


Paralogue: Weathervanes of Fodlan

Deploy: Rikka, Annette, Gilbert, Dimitri, Flayn, Catherine, Ashe (Petra), Lysithea (Hilda), Dorothea, Ingrid (Seteth), Sylvain

Annette and Gilbert's Paralogue. Annette and Gilbert set out to Dominic Territory in order to request a Hero's Relic from Annette's uncle. But, since that is in West Faerghus, and part of the Empire territory, Gilbert expects that they'll likely be captured in order for Dominic to not be suspected of collusion with the enemy. The map has Annette and Gilbert secluded into the bottom right corner, while our forces are in the bottom left. Annette and Gilbert can likely sit in the corner without much issue, but if they try to attack the guards around them they will start to move and retaliate. As such, our first objective is to rescue Gilbert and Annette before making out way upwards to defeat Baron Dominic. This is my first time playing this map, so going in, I am not sure what to expect in terms of potential enemy reinforcments or how the enemies will move in the map.

Unlike the previous Paralogue where my units were a lot stronger than the enemy units, the enemies on this Paralogue are not here to play. Everything now are Advanced Class units. They all have considerable bulk, damage output and speed, so I really can't afford to be attacked by too many of them at once. I have a few units who have the damage output to keep up with the enemy bulk and take them out in one attack round, but I really cannot leave myself open for enemy attacks or else bad things will happen. With the Duscur Heavy Armors, Dimitri does have enough defensive bulk to take minimal damage from Sword users, and because the battalion is finally down to 1/3 durability, I am able to use Battalion Skills while equipped with it. Notably, Battalion Wrath.

There is a sizable amount of enemies around the map, and the starting location of Rikka's group are being immediately threatened by a few enemies. For my opening turn, I need to create some space for myself. I do so by first setting up a Stride. I use Ashe to take out the Assassin a bit north from the starting point with a Hunter's Volley, I use Lysithea along with dancer support to one shot the two snipers standing in the trees. I move Dimitri up to use a Line of Lances on the two Swordmasters to the right, then finish them off with Flayn and Ingrid, then have Byleth and Catherine take out the Warrior. This puts me in a position where the only character in range to be attacked is Dimitri, who has 44 defense + Flayn's personal skill. As such, the Hero that throws himself at Dimitri deals a single HP of damage, then gets blasted by Battalion Wrath Killer Lance.


I proceed to take the bottom-center area of the map and once I am in range for it, I have Annette attack one of the Fortress Knights guarding her and Gilbert. I then use Gilbert to give her a Def Rally, then rescue Gilbert out. The other Fortress Knights attack into Annette, but they do less than 30 damage, so Annette just heals all her HP back every battle from Nosferatu. Upon killing the last Fortress Knight, it spawns a bunch of extra Swordmasters and Assassins around the map. I was extremely worried that I just triggered an enemy reinforcement that would cause enemies to spawn and kill my units, but as it turns out, killing the Fortress Knights makes a bunch of the enemies start to move, but ALL of them are dead set on going after Annette and will completely ignore my other units. This is a very fortunate turn of events, as all the enemies just run at me looking for her, and do nothing as I take them out, relieving me of most of the dangers that the enemies pose to my team.

As I approach Baron Dominic, a few more enemies reinforcements show up, who are also focused on targetting Annette, and the remaining enemies start to move out, but it doesn't take too much effort to take the enemies out as they approach me, as I either put Dimitri in range so that they can be counter attacked with Battalion Wrath Killer Lance, or just let them walk up on empty ground and take them out on my own turn. After that, it wasn't too much of a problem to take out the enemies in the top corners of the map to obtain the Black Pearl and Spear, then defeat Baron Dominic.

Despite the map generally going a bit smoother than expected, Three Divine Pulses were used. As mentioned, if the enemies get a chance to attack me, things go bad. Two of these uses were due to missing 85%ish KO attacks where my unit would die to a counter attack. The last one was due to this guy.


We receive the magic hammer "Crusher". Baron Dominic was basically forced to attack and at least put on some show to make it so it didn't look like he was colluding to willingly aid our cause, as Cornelia is keeping a watchful eye over the actions of the nobles in the Faerghus Dukedom territories.

Resets: 0 (1)
Divine Pulses: 3 (29)

Rikka - L29
Dimitri - L31
Dorothea - L31
Annette - L31
Lysithea - L31
Ashe - L30
Sylvain - L28
Ingrid - L28
Flayn - L28
Mercedes - L27
Petra - L27
Hilda - L26
Marianne - L26
Seteth - L25
Catherine - L24