Maddening Sign - VGC / FE Report

Writing about VGC reports and FE Playthroughs

FE3H - Maddening Blue Lions Dimitri's Paralogue


Paralogue: The Silver Maiden

Deploy: Rikka, Dimitri (Gilbert), Lysithea (Catherine), Annette (Dedue), Sylvain, Dorothea, Petra, Flayn, Ingrid, Hilda, Ashe

Dimitri's Paralogue. While we have retaken rule over the Kingdom, the process of pushing out the Imperial forces that have been occupying the land is in progress. One key thing that needs to be done is to retake Arianrhod, which was of House Rowe territory who betrayed the Kingdom.

The enemies on this map are dangerous. There are a bunch of Warlocks with Bolting at the top side of the map, and a lot of War Masters scattered throughout the map. War Masters are very fast, very hard hitting, and have a sizable amount of bulk. There are also damaging floor tiles scattered throughout the fortress that impede movement through the map. However, the map objective is simply to defeat Hubert. and he's sitting at the south entrance of the fortress. So instead of dealing with all the junk and traps and Bolting in the fortress, it is very easy to just set up a Stride and fly down to Hubert and take him out to end the map. He starts off holding Meteor, which makes the attack free from any danger.

I spend a couple turns heading south from the starting position, taking out the Fortress Knights in my way with my extended magic reach. This is mostly so I can steal the Goddess Icon from the Fortress Knight south of my starting position, then use Lysithea to Warp Petra across Arianrhod's south entrance to steal an Energy Drop from a Paladin on the bottom right. There is also a Seraph Robe held by a War Master up in the top right of the map, but since War Masters have 44 Speed, it's extremely difficult to have enough speed to be able to steal it. Most of the enemies in the map just stay put and let me do my thing. Once I stole the two items, I ended the map.

Retaking Arianrhod now shifts the balance of power, accelerating the unification of Kingdom territories. After this paralogue I do one Auxiliary battle to finish the combat session, trying to master the Archer class for Dimitri and build some supports, though he falls about 20 class exp short of mastery by the end of the map.

Resets: 0 (1)
Divine Pulses: 0 (45)

Rikka - L37
Dorothea - L41
Dimitri - L40
Ashe - L39
Annette - L39
Lysithea - L38
Flayn - L38
Hilda - L38
Ingrid - L37
Petra - L37
Sylvain - L36
Catherine - L36
Dedue - L33