Maddening Sign - VGC / FE Report

Writing about VGC reports and FE Playthroughs

FE3H - Maddening Blue Lions Chapter 7


Chapter 7 - Field of the Eagle and Lion (Cont.)

Monastery Exploration

For the remaining two weeks of the month, we do a full set of Faculty Training to help buff up Byleth's Sword and Bow rank, for eventual consideration to become an Assassin, and hand out gifts to refill morale. I then do a couple of Quest Auxiliary battles and then we are off to the Battle of the Eagle and Lion. Since the enemies from the Quests are really low level, they're pretty much only good for extra class and skill exp, and getting levels through using healing magic. As such, I used it as a good time to reclass some of my recruited characters back to Noble/Commoner in order to pick up HP+5. As well as top off the class exp needed for some of my other characters.

Battle: Battle of the Eagle and Lion

Deploy: Byleth, Dimitri (Dedue) Lysithea, Felix, Sylvain, Ashe, Ingrid, Marianne (Hilda), Mercedes, Annette

It is finally time for the Battle of the Eagle and Lion. The enemies are generally around the same strength as they have been during the Paralogue maps that I have just completed, though the enemy generals are a bit more bulky and have a few extra skills that I will need to be aware of. The enemies are fairly spread out, but because they will be on the move and I don't really want them to be trying to kill each other, I will be taking things a bit aggressively in this map to secure a solid position in the battle against the other two Houses.

The first course of action is to secure the Ballista. By use of Stride, Rally, and a Reposition, I can easily have Ingrid fly all the way up to the Archer on the hill and take them out on the word go. Stride also allows me to move in with a few more units in order to take out the Cavs stationed around the hill in order to secure my position. From there, I have Dimitri head towards the right to challenge some of the Golden Deer forces advancing on my position while everyone else moves in to regroup on the hill. A few of my units head to the left in order to draw in the Pegasus Knights so that I can take them down as well.

Things were going fairly smoothly until I ended up in a bit of a situation where Ingrid missed an 87% accurate KO attack on Leonie, on two separate attempted attack rolls, late in a turn which led to a bit of a scramble of uses of Divine Pulse to make something work out. Shortly after, I had a solid position to deal with the remainder of the map. Raphael did end up confronting Caspar causing a small skirmish between Black Eagles and Golden Deer where each get themselves a single kill on the board for their teams, however I kept their tallies to a minimum by manning the Ballista and turning it into a long range machine gun through use of positioning skills to allow me to use the Ballista multiple times in a turn.


Getting crit build character

Claude did one Critical Hit in defiance of our prince before quickly surrendering. Edelgard got baited into attacking me before being blasted by numerous Curved Shots. And with that the Battle of the Eagle and Lion comes to a close, with a big victory for the Blue Lions House. We just let both houses get on the score board so they wouldn't feel bad. We get a Blessed Lance for our big win which is... not a very good weapon, sadly.

Resets: 0 (0)
Divine Pulses: 3 (14)

Rikka - L18
Dimitri - L19
Marianne - L19
Mercedes - L18
Lysithea - L18
Annette - L18
Sylvain - L17
Ingrid - L17
Ashe - L17
Felix - L17
Dedue - L15
Dorothea - L15
Flayn - L15
Hilda - L14

Bernadetta - L14

After a bit of thought through playing the maps in the month, I decided that I'm going to drop Bernie from the roster, as it is just difficult to find room for her on the team. Especially when she went 0/3 on STR on the level ups she got.