Maddening Sign - VGC / FE Report

Writing about VGC reports and FE Playthroughs

FE3H - Maddening Blue Lions Manuela's Paralogue


Paralogue: Oil and Water

Rikka - Assassin
Dimitri - Paladin

One more Paralogue before setting off for Remire, I can either choose to play Manuela/Hanneman's or Felix's paralogue. I choose the former. Since Rikka and Dimitri are now L20, I proceed to certify them for Advanced Classes before starting the map. I also play through a quest Auxiliary before this Paralogue.

Deploy: Rikka, Manuela, Hanneman, Dedue (Ashe), Hilda (Sylvain), Flayn, Ingrid

Manuela and Hanneman's Paralogue. Manuela has a bit of a bone to pick with the Death Knight and goes charging off into the mountains from a rumor. Turns out it's the Death God Gang, not to be confused with the Death Knight. We don't get much flexibility on units to deploy for this map, and this map has a lot more Advanced Class enemies sprinked around the map than I remember there being on Hard mode.

I decided to bring Flayn to help with use of Rescue Staff, and Ingrid for mobility around the map. Dedue was brought in to be a defensive tank, while Hilda was deloyed to try to finish getting her to D Authority so that she can use a Battalion while as a flier.

This map was a pretty messy one to handle. At this point in the game, the Advanced class enemies are still a serious threat to deal with, and made worse by my low amount of deployable units. It's a map where I can't afford to be missing attacks much, and yet that's exactly what I was doing a fair bit of early in the map. There was a lot of improv with me throwing Gambits around both for the sake of crowd control, and to stun enemies in place to keep my units safe.

For the most part, the map involved me heading counter-clockwise though the path of the map, with Byleth and Ingrid in the front, and most of the rest of my units trailing behind. Dedue was generally in the back on the group fending off hits from enemies in pursuit. Dedue actually got Crit at 9% by a Swordmaster three times while being the rear guard for my forces, and thankfully he has 34 Defense with his personal skill so the Swordmaster Crits only did 6 damage. Manuela, having not too much to do, just threw out Silences on the Mages below as I tried to move myself into range in order to Rescue her with Flayn.

There were a lot of 75-80% accurate attacks that I had to rely on in the early parts of the map as a result of the Brawlers having Tomebreaker, and the general evasiveness of Swordmasters, and I was fortunate enough to be nailing them when it counted aside from the first turn's actions. After a few turns where we finally rescue Manuela off of the plateau she's sitting on, and things get a bit more stable. We finally get some good distance between enemies pursuing from the back, and the enemies in front of me don't move until I am in range. We just take things slowly from there and things generally work out.

The Sniper that is holding a Rapier starts to make a retreat after turn 10, but there's more than enough time for me to cut him off before he can leave the map. From that point I can really just take things at my leisure and finish the map up. We get the Macuil and Indech Battalions for clearing this Paralogue. Now, we head to Remire

One Divine Pulse use. Because Rikka got hit by a 40% accurate bow shot, followed by another 40% accurate attack to be KO'd, where holding a different weapon to increase my evade by just 3 points caused me to instead avoid both attacks.

Resets: 0 (0)
Divine Pulses: 1 (15)

Rikka - L21
Marianne - L20
Dimitri - L20
Ingrid - L20
Lysithea - L20
Mercedes - L19
Annette - L19
Felix - L19
Ashe - L19
Dedue - L19
Sylvain - L19
Flayn - L19
Dorothea - L17
Hilda - L17