Maddening Sign - VGC / FE Report

Writing about VGC reports and FE Playthroughs

FE3H - Maddening Blue Lions Chapter 2


Chapter 2 Clear

Chapter 2 - Familiar Scenery

Monastery Exploration

Admittedly, I played up to the preparation screen for this chapter before deciding to commit to writing a playthrough for the run, so some of the details of what I did during monastery exploration are a bit fuzzy. I purchased a handful of bows and a few gauntlets from the store.

The mandatory auxiliary battle is where I learn very quickly that auxiliary battles give you a lot less exp for actions during them. A KO during this battle gives a unit 11 exp. Mercedes using heal gives her more exp than that. That's kind of sad. Or it's a sign that the church was right all along with trying to teach benevolence. At least I get some weapon exp and class exp?

For the mandatory seminar, I had a choice between having seteth provide a lecture to provide some lance and authority exp, or I could have manuela provide a lecture so that Annette could reach D faith to learn Heal. I chose to have Seteth give the lecture. Hopefully not having a second character with Heal doesn't backfire here.

Battle: Red Canyon Dominance

The archers all have Poison Strike, and the enemies generally have around 9 or 10 AS. The Sword Thieves having Sword Prowess 4 makes them a good deal more evasive than what is comfortable, and they are able to 2x hit all my units. For the most part, the map is manageable so long as I take things slowly. The enemies are kind enough to only approach me in small groups that are easy to manage when they give me the preemptive. Utilizing training weapons ends up being crucial for survival in this chapter as a lot of my characters were on the borderline on being 2x hit by Fighters or Archers, and having a lot of bows spread around my party helped to minimize the amount of damage I would be taking when finishing enemies off.

I had a bit of trouble making it across the bridge at the start of the map, when facing the second group of units consisting of two Sword Thieves and an Archer due to bridge restricted my ability to throw out attacks to take them out and the Thieves having pass to prevent me from safely falling back. I hand to throw out a 50/50 Gambit in order to handle the situation but was able to nail it.

Mercedes and Annette ran out of spell usages about halfway into the map which rendered them mostly useless, but there wasn't much pressure from the enemies by this point in the map so it wasn't too great of an issue. Annette was still able to provide rally supports, so it wasn't a complete loss.

Had one Divine Pulse usage. Not because of anyone getting killed, but because an enemy dodged a killing blow at the end of the map and I would have otherwise lost out on some exp.

Resets: 0 (0)
Divine Pulses: 1 (1)

Rikka - L4
Dimitri - L4
Ingrid - L4
Ashe - L3
Sylvain - L3
Felix - L3
Dedue - L2
Annette - L2
Mercedes - L2