Maddening Sign - VGC / FE Report

Writing about VGC reports and FE Playthroughs

FE3H - Maddening Blue Lions Leonie's Paralogue


Paralogue: Legend of the Lake

Deploy: Rikka, Leonie, Linhardt, Dimitri (Sylvain), Hilda, Lysithea (Marianne), Dorothea, Flayn, Ashe, Catherine, Annette (Gilbert)

Leonie and Linhardt's Paralogue. We are heading to Late Teutates on a rumor of obtaining a holy weapon in relation to Saint Indech. This is an awful map. For many reasons. There's fog, I'm forced to bring two units that are not on my main roster, there are Wyverns that fly out at you from the fog, and at the very end you have to fight a big guard dog.

I have a general idea of where I want to be going in the map, but there's always a little bit of paranoia with the fact that Torch provides 7 range of vision, so if I'm are unfortunate, there is a possibility of a Wyvern to be standing just outside of my Torch vision range and rush in and attack me.

For the most part I keep my units on one group, and follow where the path going up from the middle takes me. I try to use a bunch of Torches to keep a wide vision net, while using Flayn's Rescue to move around my field of vision for extra sight.

Things go well initially. I'm able to take things fairly safe, by having Dimitri and Hilda near the front of my group, while I have units like Ashe and Annette trailing in the back taking out enemies as they approach me from behind. I make sure to snipe a Warlock from over the water in order to obtain some Spirit Dust as I make my way around the paths. Eventually I reach the fork around the right side middle of the map. I have Hilda move over to plug a spawn point for Swordmasters, and have a few of my units move up around the top right corner, while half my units head left to approach the Immovable from below.

I have a few scares as some of the enemies on the right run down, and Hilda nearly gets sniped by a 48% accurate Silver Bow, and Annette gets attacked from behind by a Paladin, but we pull through. I collect the remaining treasure box then prepare for battle with The Immovable.

The Immovable hits for about 44 on Magic side, and has about 35 Crit. The danger in fighting the Immovable is the amount of damage I need to be dealing in order to take it out, and the additional skills it gains as its HP bars get taken out. I open the assault by dropping 3 Gambits on it in order to perform a Barrier Break, then go in with Hilda and Dimitri who are able to 4x hit The Immovable. I am able to take out almost 3/4 HP bars, but a Miracle proc forces me to require a little bit extra work to deal with once stun wears off.

The Immovable's final HP Bar is where things get dangerous. Quick Reposte is granted to The Immovable. And in this game, Quick Reposte's auto follow up on counter attack means that the attacker LOSES the ability to perform 2x hits. I will need to do roughly 95 damage in single hits and half damage output in order to take The Immovable out of QR range, so I can finish it off with some quads. I end up with just enough was to attack at it safely and deal enough damage to bring it down below half, then I get Hilda and Ashe to finish the job with a 4x Brave Axe, and double crit with Killer Bow+ Hunter's Volley. We are able to pass The Immovable's trial and obtain The Inexhaustable.

Two Divine Pulse uses. One because right before everyone was in position to fight The Immovable, there was a Warrior hiding in the fog beside it, and they OHKO'd Lysithea. Another pulse because I went to go attack and clear out enemy units around the Immovable during the turn it got out of stun, but then found that I did actually have enough damage output to get him below half HP and out of Quick Reposte, so I did that instead.

Resets: 0 (1)
Divine Pulses: 2 (41)

Rikka - L34
Dorothea - L37
Dimitri - L36
Lysithea - L35
Ashe - L35
Annette - L35
Flayn - L35
Hilda - L35
Sylvain - L34
Ingrid - L33
Petra - L33
Catherine - L33

Now it is time for the Bridge of Myrddin.