Maddening Sign - VGC / FE Report

Writing about VGC reports and FE Playthroughs

FE3H - Maddening Blue Lions Chapter 6


Chapter 6 - Rumors of a Reaper (Cont)

Monastery Exploration

I'm finally in a pretty good spot as far as recruitment supports are concerned, and I've now hit B rank for Professor rank. So I can now take a bit more time utilizing faculty training, and using gifts to maintain motivation levels without needing to consume action points. I use Faculty Training to reach D rank in Horse, to recruit Marianne, and recruit Petra in the future, and work on Axe rank in order to have Rikka become a Brigand in the future for Death Blow. On the final day of the month, Lorenz recruits himself to my class, so I no longer have to worry about gaining access to his Paralogue for Thyrsus. I recruit Cyril and use the Intermediate Seal he comes with to promote Felix.


Felix - Archer

Battle: The Underground Chamber

Deploy: Byleth (Hilda), Sylvain, Lysithea, Bernadetta (Dorothea), Felix, Ashe, Ingrid, Marianne, Mercedes, Annette

The map isn't too different relative to Hard mode. Due to the narrow winding corridors, Archers and Mages are king here, and my team is filled with units that can take full advantage of this. I kind of forgot to make anyone into a Thief, so Ashe has to move his feet to get around to opening doors and treasure boxes around the map. The Death Knight at the end of the map has stats that aren't too much higher than they are in Hard mode, but he moves so it is important for me to be fully prepared to take him on once I reach him. I have Lysithea with Dark Spikes, but I'm not 100% certain I pick up an OHKO on him at the time.

Going to the right at the start of the map is never the play, and there's just a whole lot of nothing over there, so everyone I have just sticks together at the start and goes to the left. The ball of enemies to the immediate left of the starting point is the only real skirmish in the map, while the rest of it is just a slow shootout as I explore through the area and pick off enemies through the walls, while Ashe picks up the Levin Sword and March Ring.


Open the door for a surprise.

Lysithea does 46/49 HP of Damage to the Death Knight, so it is simply a matter of hitting him with a Gambit to chip him a bit before going in for a KO. Apparently, I forgot to actually equip Fiendish Blow onto Lysithea, otherwise she would have gotten the OHKO easily. Linked Attacks and Accuracy Ring make it so accuracy is not an issue. With that, we save Flayn and get out of the labyrinth.

Two Divine Pulse uses. One because I forgot about Poison Strike on Archers and someone got KO'd in two attacks as a result. The other because I tried to open the door and let Ingrid take an attack from the Death Knight and he landed a 30% crit, so I reversed back and chose to wait another turn before opening the door, then went in with a Gambit for 5 damage and then Dark Spikes for a KO.

Resets: 0 (0)
Divine Pulses: 2 (7)

Rikka - L15
Lysithea - L16
Annette - L15
Mercedes - L14
Dimitri - L14
Bernadetta - L14
Ingrid - L14
Ashe - L13
Felix - L13
Sylvain - L13
Dorothea - L12
Hilda - L12
Marianne - L12
Flayn - L11
Dedue - L11

Cyril - L11
Lorenz - L11

The roster is starting to really fill out, and for now there are a number of characters that are a "maybe" for me to commit to. Moving forward, characters that are to be permanently benched (aside from forced participation in their paralogue), will divided off from the roster, and not listed in future posts. Just remember that they're sitting around. Somewhere.